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初级软件测试工程师-Android APP & SDK 10-16k·13薪
上海-徐汇区 1-3年 本科
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冯女士 一周前在线 已认证
人事主管 · IDTECH上海
  • Android
  • Postman
  • Python
  • DevOps
  • JIRA
  • SDK测试
  • Android SDK
  • Android app测试
  • 移动端测试
  • Android OS
初级软件测试工程师- Android APP & SDK 岗位职责: 1. 构建手动测试套件,包括支持测试Android应用/ Android OS / SDK相关测试的测试脚本; 2. 使用Python开发SDK测试脚本; 3. 对Android APP进行手动或自动化测试,并调查测试结果; 4. 使用JIRA向工程团队提供详细的bug报告; 5. 帮助推动有关测试策略的决策; 6. 完成上级交办的各项任务。 基本技能: 1. 熟悉Python和Pytest自动化测试框架; 2. 具备API测试经验; 3. 有编写移动应用程序自动化测试的经验; 4. 具备测试方法、编写测试计划、创建测试用例和调试经验; 5. 有实施质量保证优秀实践的经验,包括测试定义、需求跟踪和测试自动化; 6. 基本了解Unix/Linux环境,Agile/Scrum方法。 岗位要求: 1. 计算机专业或通讯电子专业本科毕业,学士学位或以上; 2. 优秀英语口头和书面沟通能力; 3. 能够独立工作和团队合作; 4. 创造性、上进心强,能快速学习新技术;较强的组织、解决问题和分析能力; 5. 有ISTQB证书优先。 注: 1.应聘人员均需提供详细中、英文简历。


本公司是全球知名自动识别设备的制造商美国ID TECH于2003年7月在上海成立的全资子公司,美国总部位于洛杉矶,上海公司是ID TECH主要的R&D中心之一,具有全部核心知识和开发能力和所有专业:软件、硬件、固件、结构、测试等。 公司地处漕河泾新兴技术开发区,邻近地铁9号线桂林路站,交通便捷。员工福利齐全,企业文化积极向上。 Founded in 1985, ID TECH now employs more than 500 people in locations worldwide.ID TECH has leading Technology in Magnetic Stripe and Smart Card Technology. ID TECH designs and manufactures a wide range of Automatic Identification Products & components, which include MagStripe, Smart & Contactless Card Reader/Writers, Bar Code readers, CCD scanners, POS Keyboards, and Secure PIN Entry products. ID TECH supports its customers with standard products and custom solutions for the Point of Sale, Hospitality, Access Control, Transportation, Gaming, and Kiosk Industries. Our products are provided through OEMs, VARs, distributors, and directly to major end users. Our products are feature rich and provide practical, economical solutions to our customers needs. Corporate headquarters are in California with additional R&D and manufacturing facilities in Asia (Shanghai, Taiwan, etc.). ID TECH has Sales offices in North & South America, Asia, and Europe with distributors & representatives worldwide. The company has built a reputation for technical excellence through its development of reliable and innovative products. In our industry, ID TECH is the one of the fastest growing company. ***************************


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