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(Junior) Medical Assessor 薪资面议
上海-浦东新区 3-5年 硕士
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Talent Acquisition · 欧莱雅中国
  • 不良反应
  • 药物警戒
  • PV
1. The collection and documentation of each adverse event transmitted by the local Consumer Advisory Department or any other source 2. The medical review of each adverse event 3. The medical expertise for the local regulatory and legal dossiers 4. The seriousness assessment of each adverse event 5. Interfacing with the local Consumer Advisory Department on Post Marketing Safety requirements (trainings of Consumer Advisory Department employees) 6. Training of local employees on local vigilance activities and processes 7. Being involved in the scientific communications with health professionals (e.g. dermatologists) on the medical analysis of adverse events, product safety profile, etc. 8. Interfacing with regulatory authorities on Post Marketing Surveillance issues 9. The reporting of adverse events to China regulatory authorities, being compliant with the regulations 10. Being involved in the protocol design of the clinical studies, and the evaluation of adverse events reported during clinical studies 11. The global post marketing safety analysis on specific formulas, and being involved in the risk management Qualifications: 1. Majoring in clinical medicine 2. 2-5 years’ working experience in materiovigilance or pharmacovigilance is preferred 3. Strong interpersonal skills and team work spirit with the ability to work effectively in a matrix-type organization 4. Good communication skills and ability to manage difficulties 5. Be flexible with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously with minimal guidance 6. Excellent oral and written communication skills in both Chinese and English


欧莱雅集团在1997年进入中国。欧莱雅中国的总部位于上海,并在全国设有五个办事处,目前在中国拥有31个品牌,一个研发和创新中心,两家工厂分别位于苏州和宜昌,共有超过14,000名员工。经过25年高质量、稳健、可持续的增长,中国已成为欧莱雅集团全球第二大市场、集团北亚区美妆黄金三角洲的总部、全球六大研发枢纽之一以及全球三大美妆科技中心之一。 欧莱雅中国始终贯彻落实集团提出的“欧莱雅 为明天——可持续发展承诺2030”,是集团第一个完整运营设施“零碳”的市场。2021年,在“HUGE美好计划”和“BEAUTY HUGEVOLUTION 𡘙·美的进化”的战略指导下,欧莱雅中国再次取得超过20%增长,实现了两倍于美妆市场平均增速的骄人业绩,四大事业部均实现增长。在2021天猫双十一购物节,欧莱雅也成为成交量超100亿的两大集团之一。2022年,欧莱雅中国迎来25周年,正式发布“Co-Evolution美:共同进化·生生不息”全新战略,将继续加大对中国市场的投资和承诺,并积极通过社会责任项目,持续贡献中国社会的美好发展。 L'Oréal entered China in 1997. L'Oréal China is headquartered in Shanghai and has five offices across the country. L'Oréal China currently has 31 brands and one R&I center in China, as well as two factories in Suzhou and Yichang, owning more than 14,000 employees. After 25 years of high-quality, steady and sustainable growth, China has become the second-largest market in the world, the headquarter of the North Asia “Beauty Triangle”, 1 of the 6 R&I hubs, and 1 of the 3 Tech Hubs. As one of the best corporate citizens in China, L'Oréal China has always implemented and kept the “L'Oréal for the Future - Sustainable Development Commitment 2030” in mind. China is L'Oréal's first market to achieve carbon neutrality for all its operated sites. In 2021, under the strategic guidance of Huge Project and BEAUTY HUGEVOLUTION, L'Oréal China once again achieved over 20% growth, twice of the Chinese beauty market. All four divisions witnessed growth. During the 2021 Double 11 shopping festival, L'Oréal China was one of the only 2 groups with a turnover of over 10 billion on Tmall. In 2022, L'Oréal celebrates the 25th anniversary in China and released its “Co-Evolution” strategy. The company will continue to increase the investment and commitment to the Chinese market and actively contributes to the good development of Chinese society through CSR programs.


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1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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