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机械维修主管 15-30k
上海-徐汇区 3-5年 学历不限
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1. Responsible for the maintenance of the company's equipment and molds. Including the related budget plan and control. 1负责公司设备及模具的相关工作,包含相关费用的预算和控制。 2. Responsible for making the comprehensive maintenance plan of the production equipment, ensure the implementation of the comprehensive maintenance plan of the equipment, and ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the maintenance records. 2负责制定生产设备的综合维修计划,确保设备全面维护计划的执行情况,确保维修记录的真实性和准确性。 3. Give guidance to maintenance workers and take charge of their daily work arrangement and performance appraisal. 3指导维修人员,负责维修人员的日常工作安排和绩效考核。 4. Fully responsible for timely handling of production equipment failures to ensure normal production operation. Responsible for equipments’ validation. 4全面负责生产设备故障的及时处理,确保生产正常运行。负责设备的验证工作。 5. Check, discover and summarize the multiple points of on-site equipment failure, formulate maintenance plans, and reduce downtime. 5检查、发现和总结现场设备故障的多个点,制定维修计划,减少停机时间。 6. Assist the process department in technical update equipment related projects, lead the production equipment update and transformation work, ensure product quality and improve productivity. 6协助工艺部门进行设备相关项目的技术更新,领导生产设备的更新改造工作,确保产品质量,提高生产效率。 7. Responsible for equipment spare parts acquisition plan and unified management of factory equipment spare parts. 7负责设备备品备件购置计划和工厂设备备品备件的统一管理。 8. Supervise and support the mold team to timely solve the mold problems in daily production, and ensure the normal operation of production. 8监督和支持模具团队及时解决日常生产中的模具问题,确保生产的正常运行。 9. Supervise the mold supervisor to complete the mold maintenance plan, and supervise the implementation of the maintenance plan 9监督模具监督员完成模具维修计划,并监督维修计划的实施 10. Supervise and support the technical and management of mold spare parts procurement and outsourced maintenance. 10监督和支持模具备件采购和外包维修的技术和管理。 11. Fully responsible for the daily management and performance appraisal of the mold team. 11.全面负责模具班组人员的日常管理和绩效考核工作。 12. Supervise and support the mold supervisor in the management of the mold in and out of the warehouse, the preparation, management and approval of mold related technical documents. 12监督和支持模具主管对模具进出仓库的管理,模具相关技术文件的编制、管理和审批。 13. Support and coordinate the process department to introduce new mold. 13支持和协调工艺部门引进新模具。 14. Support the mold supervisor to communicate and coordinate with the company headquarters and other departments. 14支持模具主管与公司总部等其他部门沟通协调。
语言要求:普通话 + 英语


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