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Automation Engineer 20-28k·15薪
上海-嘉定区 5-10年 学历不限
王先生 5天前在线
猎头顾问 · 慧物商务信息咨询(上海)-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store
Specify, freeze and accept the machines automatism, electrical/pneumatic and safety studies • Specify and validate the basics automation, electric, pneumatic and safety requirements/standards • Automation solution development and follow up: process control, poka yoke/error proofing, Communication & traceability, alarm management, access control, Human Machine Interface. • Support the Process & Machinery Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Plant representative all along the machine & process development on her/his automation scope. Develop automation solutions to support the operations in order to improve Safety, Quality and Efficiency. • In collaboration with the Digital Manufacturing and DASIP Leaders, integrate the new digital tools, data acquisition and algorithm into the machinery/process under her/his responsibility. • Assist the Plants and Industrial teams to formalize their needs according to the automation standard • Prepare package with related documentation (training, user guide…) for deployment Make happen the automation solution. Support the plants to deploy data acquisition and digital tools of the machinery under her/his responsibility • From the full debugging and pre acceptance at supplier (including dry cycles, run off and first safety acceptance) • Up to the final acceptance on site (including run at rate, final safety audit, traceability & data acquisition validation) Build the specific automation & digital solutions standards for the New Energies process • Capitalize to standardize the automation & digitalization lean bricks: Specifications, acceptances, deployments Competencies requirements  Lead automation solution and related technology  Master the PLC technology is preferred.  Develop automation transportation solution for the plant application.  Basic understanding on automotive production Key technical competencies  Assembly process  Gluing process  Trasnportation process  Traceability process


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