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麻醉科医生 40-70k
上海 5-10年 硕士
楚先生 3天前在线
Team Leader · 上海脉齐企业管理咨询-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store
  • SIA
Job Description 1.Administer anesthetic or sedation during medical procedures, using local, intravenous, spinal or caudal methods. (General anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and local anesthesia) 2.Confer with other medical professionals to determine type and method of anesthetic or sedation to render patient insensible to pain. 3.Coordinate administration of anesthetics with surgeons during operation. 4.Decide when patients have recovered or stabilized enough to be sent to another room or ward or to be sent home following outpatient surgery. 5.Examine patient, obtain medical history and use diagnostic tests to determine risk during surgical, obstetrical, and other medical procedures. 6.Monitor patient before, during, and after anesthesia and counteract adverse reactions or complications. 7.Record type and amount of anesthesia and patient condition throughout procedure. 8.Coordinate and direct work of nurses, medical technicians and other health care providers. 9.Inform OR staff of types and methods of anesthesia administration, signs of complications, and emergency methods to counteract reactions. 10.Manage anesthesiological services, coordinating them with other medical activities and formulating plans and procedures. 11.Position patient on operating table to maximize patient comfort and surgical accessibility. 12.Provide and maintain life support and airway management, and help prepare patients for emergency surgery. 13.Schedule and maintain use of surgical suite, including operating and anesthetic equipment. 14.Assisting and Caring for Others — Providing personal assistance, medical attention, emotional support, or other personal care to others such as coworkers, customers, or patients. Administer anesthetics, Administer injections , Administer medications or treatments, Conduct complete physical examinations, Perform minor surgery and Diagnose medical condition of patient 15.Documenting/Recording Information — Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form. Record medical history or data and Document medical prognosis Qualifications: 1.Bachelor's degree is the minimum required for these occupations. M.D Degree. 2.More than five years of experience in anesthesia field. 3.Good at English and Mandarin in writing and speaking. Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents. Able to listen to and understand information and ideas through spoken words and sentences. 4.Holding a current and active medical license 5.Flexible with clinic locations and clinical hours 6.Ability to work in a collaborative team environment 7.Ability to work in a multi-culture, multi-discipline environment


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